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Submit to us here

Submit Your Media

We have now opened up user submissions!
You can now upload a non-sexual nude photo or video of yourself if you would like for us to consider using it on our website. Be sure to only include videos or photos that are of yourself and we may choose to use it in one of our Pink Papers, or maybe it might make it to the home page if it’s of high quality. Also, be sure to give credit to whom shot the video or who took the photo, in the comment box along with your submission. Also please provide any additional information about the media that you can, like the filming location and when it was taken.
Please be aware that this is a mailbox that is not accessed daily and there will be a delay in the receiving of your message of certainly a few days, but possibly weeks, or maybe even months if we are off romanticizing the world.

Removal Request

If your personal image was captured and is displayed and you would like it removed from this website, you can request so here. Please be very specific in the location of the media and exactly which person you are, or we won’t be able to fulfill your request. Take a screenshot of the image and circle yourself in that image and then upload that edited image here. Thank you. All media was obtained legally, in a place and manner where privacy was not expected. After all, this is how normalization and desexualization of bodies happens, by filming such amazing and beautiful souls like the ones that have been captured here. Thank you so much, we love you.
Thank you,
Naked Jesus and company
Click here to learn about reverse tracking, if you plan on not being nice.

Pink Paper Category


Pink Paper Category


Pink Paper Category

Mental Health

Pink Paper Category

Naked Yoga

Pink Paper Category

Beaches + Resorts

Pink Paper Category

Nude Childhood

Pink Paper Category

Pillar Content

Pink Paper Category

Plural Love

Pink Paper Category

Sexualization of Breasts

Pink Paper Category

Featured Image:


Featured Image Credit:

An iPartyNaked photo by Naked Jesus. © All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the nudism / naturism / naturalism activist site for all nudists! How do you party? I party naked and you should too! Promoting nudism because it's healthy!