iPartyNaked.com presents:
Pink Papers
A Pink Paper is an article by iPartyNaked, and is a reason why nudism is healthy, normal, and non-sexual. Our collection of Pink Papers are hundreds of reasons why you need to embrace nudism. This is a place for you to learn about how healthy and beneficial nudism is to you, your family, your community, and the world. Share with your friends.
Hundreds of reasons why nudism is healthy for you
Categories of Pink Papers
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An iPartyNaked photo by Naked Jesus. © iPartyNaked.com. All Rights Reserved.
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Green Fashion: The Costly Environmental Impact of Clothing Production
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Nudity Taboo: How Childhood Messages Impact Adult Intimacy
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Naked Truth: The Link Between Body Comfort and Marital Bliss
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Roman Baths: Nude Gatherings in 2-4th Centuries
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Mere nudity is not in itself lewd or indecent exposure
Nudity alone does not constitute lewdness or “indecent exposure,” as determined by well-established legal precedents across the country. Indeed, the distinction between […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Naturism is tolerant of others and their differences
Naturism, as a philosophy, embraces the acceptance of others and their diverse perspectives. It firmly opposes disruptive and provocative nudity, not because […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Christian church leaders The aversion of early Christian church leaders to casual nudity
Christian Church Leaders The reluctance of early Christian church leaders towards casual nudity stemmed from their connection of nudity with paganism and […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Laws requiring women, but not men, to cover their breasts are written entirely from a male perspective
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Nakedness cannot automatically be equated with sexual sin
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Clothing may originally have developed as a means of focusing sexual attention
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
God directly commanded Isaiah to loose the sackcloth
According to Isaiah 20:2-3, God issued a direct command to Isaiah, instructing him to remove the sackcloth from his hips. In complete […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Both naturism and environmentalism share underlying values
The objectives of Naturism and environmentalism frequently align. Similar to environmentalism, Naturism typically strives to safeguard the inherent essence of landscapes and […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
We must work for the good and the freedom of our bodies
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Church leaders historically have disassociated nudity with sexual immodesty
Church Leaders Numerous prominent church leaders throughout history have made it clear that nudity should not be equated with sexual immodesty. Consequently, […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Case history demonstrates that laws requiring women to cover their breasts are not justified by cultural prejudices and preconceptions
Based on case history, it has been conclusively proven that laws mandating the covering of women’s breasts cannot be ethically justified based […]
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Legislators have often found it to be more complicated to prohibit nudity than to sanction it
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
The nude human form has extraordinary symbolic power should be protected by the First Amendment
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Tight clothing may cause health problems
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢
Social nudity is part of a long historical tradition
    An iPartyNaked Pink Paper ⇢